A downloadable game

You find yourself in a big electronics warehouse and must fight your way through hordes of enemies to find the toaster boss. Collect powerups to get stronger and unlock new areas.

Your power is limited, so you'll have to plan how you use it, but defeating an enemy will restore your power and let you keep fighting.

Created for the Respawn Game Jam Fall 2022

Version 1.1 Updates:

 - You can now access any weapon that you acquired by cycling through them

 - Reduced time needed to charge the charge attack

 - Dashing can be canceled into other actions, maintaining some of its momentum

 - Hitting an enemy will briefly stun it

 - Minor adjustments to level design


Menu - Arrow keys, Enter, Escape

Movement - Arrow keys

Jump - Z

Attack - X

Dash - C

Recharge - S

Cycle weapon - F / V

Controller: (Buttons flipped for Switch controller)

Movement - Left Stick

Jump - A

Attack - X

Dash - Y

Recharge - B

Cycle weapon - RB / LB


Justin Fisher - Programming, Additional art

Rafael Casanova-Silva - Level design, Powerup design

Seth Ewer - Art, Environmental design


The Rain Formerly Known as Purple - Chris Christodoulou

Risk of Rain 2 - Chris Christodoulou

The Raindrop that Fell to the Sky - Chris Christodoulou

This game requires .net runtime 5.0 to play


Powerless1.1.zip 251 MB
Powerless1.0.zip 251 MB


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I feel like getting one sword takes another sword away.
so if you have the "teleport enemy" sword and get another one, ou lose the previous one. which you obviously need to get a certain upgrade :-(

yep, no doubt about it now. got (most likely) all the upgrades and am fighting the final boss.
and by no attacks DO use energy again, most likely cause after the "no energy attack cost" sword, I picked up another sword.

so yeah, upgrades dont stack and kick each other out which sucks.
especially since you only keep the one you happened to collect last -.-

oh, jsut saw that you can cycle weapons...
nevermind me then XD

seriously though, the difference with and without upgrades is HUGE!
initially when I only played it with 1 single upgrades (the "dash through walls" one) it took me like 10 tries and many minutes to beat the boss.and now?
4 hits to spawn pawns, 4 more hits to kill him. boss time 16 seconds! :O

12:41 time with all upgrades. if I had known about cycling, some tedious pathways might have been avoidable.

You should prbably put some hin there that cycling is a thing.
since I assumed, like in every game ever, that upgrades stack and your one single sword just gets more abilities over time :-)

Wow I unintentionally beat the game with only 1/11 upgrades in about 22 minutes (including afk times).

thought the whole time that that first boss was quite hard.
guess it was the final boss and thta there were tons of upgrades to be goten before fighting him

Incredible work. I've seen a lot of games for the expo made by game dev seniors that aren't this good. Keep it up, guys!


cant play it cause I need to install some no-longer-supported .net thingie

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting. Looks like it got deprecated recently, which I didn't know about. It runs on .net 5.0. I would double check because the official site still has the downloads for older versions.

(2 edits) (+2)

5m 36s World RecordImage


Took me 17 minutes to beat, but was fun! Solid, bite-sized rougelike.